Guidance and Counseling Program

The Guidance and Counseling Program of the Office of Student Affairs provides psycho-social and academic assistance to students to enhance their academic skills, set career goals, manage healthy relationships, cope with problems, deal with adjustment difficulties and other developmental issues they face in college. These are carried out through friendly, relaxed and confidential oneon-one counseling sessions. The program is based on the philosophy that each individual is unique, important and capable of personal growth and development.


The Guidance and Counseling Program offers the following services:


  • Counseling. Counseling is the assistance given to students to enable them to understand themselves, gain deeper awareness of their problems, make intelligent decisions, and help them grow to become self-sufficient and mature persons.


  • “Tawag Na!” This is a telephone counseling hotline available for students who prefer to share problems and concerns over the phone. Trained counselors are always around ready to assist callers in distress.

  •  First Year Enhancement Program. This package of activities designed for First Year Student facilitates academic and psycho-social adjustment to University life. 


  • Orientation and Information. This consists of accumulation and dissemination of information about the different guidance activities, vocational opportunities, and educational information for better adjustment and personal growth.

  • Psychological Testing and Assessment. This refers to the yearly assessment of students based on tests of mental ability, aptitude, personality and interests. 

  • Training/Seminar/Workshop. Mini-workshops on various topics are held regularly or as requested. These include but not limited to stress management, study skills training, values formation, self-search, career life planning, team building, self-esteem building, conflict management and peer facilitator’s training. 

  • Career Information and Placement Service (CIPS). CIPS is an assistance given to graduates and graduating students in their preparation for the world of work. Preemployment seminars and on-campus recruitment by selected companies are held annually. 

  • Association of Parents-Counselors of UPM, Inc. Is an organization of parents of UPM students involving a collaboration between parents and guidance counselors to foster closer counselor-parent cooperation to achieve desired goals. Faculty Counselors and GCP Collaborators. Faculty members and administrative staff are tapped as partners in reaching out to and helping, students. Seminar-workshops are conducted, and a referral system is used.

  • Research. Studies are carried on topics such as student needs, student problems, academic achievement, academic delinquency, student stress and other relevant issues. 

  • Referral System. Cases which require the services of medical specialists beyond the scope and expertise of the Guidance program are referred to the appropriate agencies/institutions.