Student Assistanship

Student Assistantships are available to students who are willing to work for a maximum of 120 hours a month. A student assistant gets P30.00 per hour compensation.

1. The student assistantship program is open to all bonafide students of the University enrolled in undergraduate programs.

2. To ensure that participation in the program does not adversely affect the academic performance of student assistants, the following limitations are set:

  • First Year students are not allowed to participate in their first semester of enrollment.
  • Bonafide students who obtained passing grades in at least 50 percent of the total number of academic units registered in the preceding semester are qualified to apply for student assistantship.
  • Work hours of student assistants shall be limited as follows: 
Academic load per semester  Work hours/month
Less than or equal to 18 units 120 
Less than or equal to 21 units but greater than 18 units 75
Greater than 21 units 50


3. Appointments of student assistants is on a semestral basis (first semester, second semester and summer)

4. In hiring student assistants, the financial need of the applicants shall be given priority. However, in research and other academic projects, the office/unit may require additional qualifications.

5. Student assistants should not be used in personal/private projects of faculty and staff.

6. The Daily Time Records (DTRs) of student assistants shall be attested to by both the department/division chairs and the head of office/unit.

7. The Office of Student Affairs shall be in-charge of the program. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Processing of appointment papers
  • Preparation of payroll (based on daily time records)
  • Monitoring and control of deployment/assignment of students assistants
  • Coordination with colleges/units on the services of student assistants

8. Resignation of a student assistant may be done through the submission of a letter addressed to the head of the office/unit where the student is assigned; copy furnished the Office of Student Affairs.