Commission on Higher Education - CHED Dissertation Grant Program

Commission on Higher Education
CHED Dissertation Grant Program
The grants shall be open to nominees of HEIs in the Philippines that are offering programs in the disciplines applied for by the candidates who meet the following requirements: 1. not more than 50 years of age; 2. full time faculty member of a HEI and in a discipline recognized as either COE or COD or rates at least goodunder the FAPE evaluation; 3. Must have completed the coursework and passed the comprehensive examination in an accredited Graduate Program; 4. Must have an approved dissertatin proposal on an identified priority research area; 5. Must have a general average of at least 1.75 or equivalent in the required courses leading to the Ph.D. degree applied for.
Upgrade the research manpower capability of higher education institutions (HEIs) while supporting the conduct of research on identified priority areas. CHED shall provide financial assistance to faculty members who are completing their dissertation work in any of the following clusters of discipling: 1. Science and Mathematics, 2. Engineering, Maritime Studies and Architecture, 3. Humanities, Social Science and Communication, 4. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 5. Health and Health Related Discipline, 6. Information Technology, 7. Teacher Education, 8. Industrial Technology
Due Date of Application: 
none specified
Contact Details: 
Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information (OPPRI) Telefax#:441-1149/ 4411169/4411104 State Universitites and Colleges/ Local Universities and Colleges Concern Office (SUCs/LUCs) Telephone#: 4084249/3552849