Mission, Core Values and Vision of CAMP


The College of Allied Medical Professions is an educational unit of the University of the Philippines Manila, a constituent of the University of the Philippines System. Within the realm of the applied health sciences, attuned to the dynamism of development in these disciplines, and in consonance with the distinctive leadership in higher education and national development that belongs to the University of the Philippines as the National University, it is the mission of CAMP to:

    ● Lead in setting academic standards and innovations in teaching, research and faculty development;
    ● Provide graduate and undergraduate programs that are responsive to national needs and that impact on professional practice and education;
    ● Engage in research and develop research linkages, with a particular emphasis on research relevant to national policy formulation;
    ● Participate in community engagement and community development;
    ● Provide opportunities for training and learning in service-oriented leadership, responsible citizenship, and the development of democratic values, institutions and practice.

Core Values

The members of the CAMP community collectively commit to and strive to reflect the following values:

    ● Integrity – a strong sense of ethics based on an appreciation of the inherent value of every human person that leads us to act with honor and personal integrity;
    ● Excellence – the press to ensure superior quality in all endeavors; the judicious use of academic freedom to enhance academic offerings, promote intellectual curiosity, progressive thinking and creative problem solving;
    ● Service – a concern for the well-being of all persons, particularly Filipinos with disabilities, that leads us to outdo ourselves in the effort to enhance their quality of life in any area of practice, under varied conditions, and in challenging geographic locations; this includes the desire to develop the competencies necessary to provide effective health care;
    ● Solidarity – a sense of unity with all persons that compels us to strive for the common good and is marked by mutual trust, collegiality and a respect for the needs and competencies of those we work with and for;
    ● Resourcefulness – the ability to innovate and adapt in order to create effective responses to prevalent situations, be it in the context of limited resources and limiting structures;
    ● A nurturing environment – promoting collaboration; fostering faculty, student and alumni relationships beyond classroom interactions; supporting staff development; ensuring accessibility and inclusion on campus as well as infrastructure that stimulates the development of character and excellence.


UPM-CAMP aspires to provide universally recognized applied health science education that:

    ● Produces well-rounded professionals with strong professional and personal ethics who are progressive thinkers attuned to lifelong learning, oriented to service and leadership, and responsive to the evolving needs of the community and society;
    ● Has a strong research base and well-established local and international collaborations;
    ● Is recognized for relevant expertise in professional practice, policy development, and public information.